Saturday, December 15, 2012

Slap Day

7th of December was a legendary day.

Firstly, I must apologize for updating the blog so late. I have mostly been busy/pissed/generally mental or whatever so I am late. But better late than never!

So... what is so important about the 7th?

It began like this: I was in CT (I do better with an M4 than an Ak, although there's hardly a difference) and a friend of mine, "shock" was in T. And he killed me. Not for one round. He had this bitterness buried deep within him to suck the life out of my game. Which he did. For 9 straight rounds. To say that I got pissed was the understatement of the century. I admit I'm a sore loser but come on! 9 ROUNDS IS TOO MUCH!!

So, to teach SHOCK a lesson, I slapped him non-stop for 5 rounds. I believed that would teach him a lesson. And it had the exact opposite effect. He really started enjoying himself. And he got more kills! Can you believe his frikken luck? To top this all, other players demanded for slaps! (I have to admit that there is a cheap, amazing thrill in slapping players :P)

So then we started voting among the players as to who I must slap for the next rounds... Needless to say there was much enthusiasm and friendly-rivalry among the regulars and so players like Rambo, Government, Jaipur, Stiffler, Hazard and John Rider became a part of the slap routine. AND THEY ENJOYED IT.

Of course, when I did come to my senses later, I sent an apologetic mail to the owner of the server who took it very kindly (VERY :P). But looks like I still havent learnt my lesson because I love slapping!! People think annoying their brothers or sisters is fun.. seriously they need to try this :P

p.s. I'm taking slap requests. Most welcome to place one on the server :P

More coming soon!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Getting Slashed

I'm sorry for the late update but life was being a major pain-in-the-ass off late. Anyway, you might have noticed that banning is actually a lot of fun. However, a few days ago, I discovered that unbanning can be fun too!

I learned unbanning late into my adminship period. A few days ago, a player named Slash had been banned for the silliest reason (he's pro so people think he's aimbotting,walling.. same old story blah blah blah) and I don't know which noob admin decided to ban him without spec-ing properly. (Seriously, we need to start having an entrance test for applicants of adminship).

To unban him, I asked him for his id. And here comes the twist in the tale- I was not admin on the server anymore! At first, I couldn't believe it. What the fu** did I do? I quickly inquired about this from my senior admin (Assassinator) who also had no idea about this.

"Maybe it's a steam-issue," he suggested.

"But I already restarted my steam!" I replied.

This was bad. Not being able to slap anyone in game absolutely sucks (especially those who don't say "hi" to me). So with a resigned face I refused to play all day till I got a message from a player "Rambo".

"CS is boring without you," he said. This immediately cheered me up. (I shall give out autographs later :P)

I laughed and then with a grim smiley I told him, "My adminship has been taken away." (I was keen to know how everyone would react.)

He seemed to have received the shock of his life and kept asking me to as what was the reason for which I had no answer. By that evening, the news had spread all over the server and a couple of people were even offering me condolences of steam. (Seriously guys, it's not like I'm dead). However, I found this whole situation hilarious.

But I received the cherry on the icing that evening when I went in-game. Steam, having resolved whatever issue it was facing, had reinstated me as admin. So when I joined the game, a player called Ironclaw greeted me by saying, "Scar, someone is spreading rumours that your adminship has been taken away". :P

Also, a message to the player called Jorden, who was trying to convince me to give away my adminship to him- Yaar, I wont give my slaps away so easily :P